TAGGED for weirdness!

We had a busy day Friday so we're too tired to be angry about this pile up of sleeping arrangements. Oh! We've been tagged by Keeley to share 7 weird things about Niko and me. Here are the rules:
Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog. Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself. Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs. Let each dog know they have been tagged by leaving a notification on their blog.
Here's my weird things (Bentley)
- I don't like to eat out of my bowl, I would rather have the food fall on the ground or even better if Niko (who is a messy eater) knocks food out I will eat it so fast!
- When mom takes me to work I like to pretend I am in a private cave under the desk and won't come out unless there is the sound or smell of food.
- At the dog park I like to walk the perimeter, pee on all the bushes and then go stand next to the exit until we leave.
- Sometimes when I am too tired to lift my leg I pee all over my front paws, but mom gets wipies out and cleans it, it's hard to lift my leg so early in the morning.
- I pretend there is a pile of dirt on the couch and bury my bones in the back by rubbing my nose in the imaginary dirt.
- I like to put things in my mouth that mom gets mad at, like paper clips, and kitty poo.
- I do a lot of introspective thinking, which is why I have this blog.
- I lOVE TO SWIM. I don't care how cold it is, or how much water I swallow, I want to swim like fishies!
- At the office I like to walk on the desks and keyboards, the humans have lots of delicious crumbs and stuff in and around their boxes they type into.
- I will play fetch non-stop 24/7 if I could. Mom often puts my toy up so I remember to rest.
- My favorite music person is Justin Timberlake I even did some dancing videos for him way back here Bentley and Niko are bringing sexyback
- I like to sleep right by mom's head. Sometimes I push her off her pillow and she gets mad.
- Even though I am small I can sound and look very scary if you are a big dog and try to put your mouth around me. I am ALL BARK AND TEETH THEN!
- I can eat all my food in like 3 minutes, where Bentley takes forEVAR!

OH! And here's who we tag!
Waylon & Willie
Two Shibas
Luckie Girl