Summertime Fun Video
We did a fashion video at work! Bentley and Niko are in around the 2:13 minute mark, but it was fun!
What it's like being a bigger, smarter, more handsome and reserved older brother to a crazy smaller, less than smart puppy named Niko.
WOW!they are fashionistas!!
check this out u will need this:
Miniature Pinscher
How cute everyone looks! You all got treats afterwards we hope!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Bentley and Niko!
thanks for sharing the video! Lots of doggie friends and lots of loofas!
Kisses and hugs
Oh look at all those dogs with clothes on. hahaha
woo those are some oufits! that is a great video, I wish I had Loofah dogs all over like that!
Everyone looks so ashamed. Lucky me I wasn't there!
Wow, what fun. I wish I could go to work with my Mom.
I always wanted a Bentley. Now I'm jealous.
Greetings from, the social network for dog owners and dog lovers.
We're looking for members with quality dogs and 'tails' to add stuff to our site.
Hope you have time to have a look at us.
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Our Mom dressed us like that once then she got mad cause we ate the clothes.
Scuba, Keiko, Norman and Toby from Life inside the Fence
Hi My name is Eduardo, I'm a snuggle puggle I added you to my page, I hope you don't mind please visit my blog!
Hugs & Snugs,
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
How CUte you and all those doggies are, what a great idea!!!!!! What a great place to work.
Frenchie Snorts
We got those toys at Petco, is that like the enemy to your Mom?? hehe. Sorry we don't go to the meetups when it is hot, Mom just worries about old man Stains.
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