Tucson Trip saga one

Hey everyone! We STILL haven't gotten our mom to post all the pictures from our Tucson trip! They've both been travelling a lot. They went to Rocky Point, then to Dallas but now they are back and being all kissy and lovey to us like they didn't leave us home while they went galavanting all over the country. Anyway, enough about those jerks. Here's some of the pictures, there's a lot so we might take turns posting them, since Niko likes to post just as much as me! We did have a super nice petsitter named Heather come take care of us and play with us while our parents neglected us and had fun.

When we got to Tucson they tried to take us down to 4th street to eat at a cafe but it was SUPER hot, so we ended up going through a drive-through.

We told them to pull over to take pictures of these pretty mountains, so they did!

Look how goofy Niko looks, she makes me laugh.

Here's our dad holding us, he's usually the one taking pictures.

We wanted to play in this field but there were a bunch of boys kicking around a ball too big for us to play with anyway. Oh jeez, Niko wants to type some. Fine, Niko here...

I MET A FUN DOGS AT THE PARK! Her name was clementine? or valentine, oh I can't remember, we had GREAT TIMES!

Bentley was all like "DONT TALK TO THE STRANGE DOGS NIKO!" but I love other dogs so I showed them my frisbee.

And they told me Bentley needs to lighten up, we had fun and he just walked around like a scared dog.