We're Back!

Hello All! We made it home safely from Tucson. Niko was sick a couple times there, so that was a bummer. We have pictures and videos of the fun we still managed to have but we've been very busy! The weather has been really great here, so we walk and go to the park whenever we get a chance, which doesn't leave a lot of time for blogging, but soon it will be too hot to even go outside. At the park we have 1 shit-zu friend named Freddy and two curly haired dogs named Pumpkin and Pebbles. Rusty is a min-pin and he comes too, all the humans laugh because we are all under a foot high running around like crazy, but it's my favorite thing to do lately.

We've gone through a couple rounds of toys, this was our short-lived chipmunk, he was de-tailed.

Mom also moved the chairs into the early sun for us a couple times on the weekends. Here we are looking as if we will partake in lackadaisical debate.

Mom got us a new bed too, since everyone kept hogging the other bed, now noone lays in the other bed, Hah! Oh and that little bunny was our gift from the easter bunny, thanks easter bunny!
Hey you guys! Glad you had a fun trip despite the sickies. Looking forward to hearing all about it.
Oscar x
Hi Bentley & Niko...
Hanging out in the sun is one of my favorite things to do!
I like your bunny too...I didn't get a bunny for Easter :( Need to take that up with my mom!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Glad to hear you had a great time. Cool Easter gift. Can't wait to see the pics
Frenchie Kisses,
that stupid easter bunny didnt bring us ANYTHING. Glad you made out better than we did!
Sounds like a great roadtrip - Willie gets car sick too.
My cats stink really good - I love to eat kitty roca!
I like your new bed. You look good in stripes!
Nice were back! post! Thanks for intesting info! More Bentley can be found at http://www.auto-portal.us/
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