Foods for Thoughts

We have been completely consumed moving to the new place and overwhelmed with work from day jobs, but will catch up soon with our buddies. So sad we are about so many of our beloved friends and families.
Bentley and Niko have both been sick on and off with their food. We thought we had the perfect blends of Eukanuba Low Resideue Vetrinary Diet canned and Blue Buffalo Lamb and Rice dry, now they are both having issues. We have done some research and might move to either Canidae or Royal Canin for the dry and possibly cook foods add other natural foods for supplements. Any suggestions?
Do any of your pups eat Canidae or Royal Canin?

Hey...We've missed you guys! Hope the move went well and you are staying cool!
Ruby is on Canidae chicken & rice and seems to like it and her coat is nice and shiny. I occasionally give her some extra fruits and regular chicken or cottage cheese as a treat. She's never had a problem...but than I think she has a stomach of steel sometimes!
Good luck with the food.
Poor babies - I'm sending boxer healing vibes!
We eat Canidae and we LOOOOVE it. We get the kind called, Senior and Overweight dog kind. I think you know which of us is the FAT kid and which of us is the OLD guy. But we really do love it and it has SERIOUSLY cut down on the GAS in the house.
Hope your tummies get better soon, I'm sure you'll get suggestions from your pals in the US re foods. Maybe the move etc has unsettled your tummies a bit too.
Oscar x
Poor guys, moving is really stressful and sad.
Hope you feel better soon.
Lots and lots of Frenchie Kisses to make you feel better.
Hey guys,
I think the move must have taken its toll of both of you.
I'm eating timberwolf kibbles. But Mom always adds home cooked food like chicken or fish together with baby carrots or broccolis and I get tofu (beancurd) at times too. She will add a dash of parley or rosemary herbs..or maybe use some garlic powder in my food. And to add on, she also gives me my coat supplement too.
I hope you find a food that works for both of you.
Hey guys meet us in chat 9 am EST 9 pm Singapore time - peemail me if you need that addres
Bussie Kissies
HI! I love the butt shot of Niko!
I eat Royal Canin hypoallergenic because I always had the squishy poos and now my poo is good enough to eat ;)
Oh, and my mom said that it really helps with my farts. Whatever.
i eat canidae, once a day (my mom cooks up chicken, rice and veggies for me once a day too).
she says that the canidae is good (so far the best kibble i've had) but it's not sooo good that i eat only it (my coat isn't as soft and silky if i just eat canidae)
Oh dear.. I hope you doggies get well soon
~ girl girl
Well hope you guy are getting settled in..when ya get a chance come check out my blog-- I gave you guys a Rockin Dog Blogger Award!
my mom feeds us both innova. we loves it and have never had any problems except when i eat sophie's mature dog formula i do get sicky-poos. we eat the kibble and also the canned (just for treatsies).
hope you find the right stuff soon! so sad to have upset tummies and all the rest that comes with that...
loving lickies, coco
I received an email from Jennifer at Dogs n Us Community inviting me to join their community. They had already added my blog, without asking, without my approval. I see that your blog is also listed on this site. I am sking you to email them at and tell them to remove your blog from their site. This is a blatant rip off of our Dogs With Blogs Community and I for one do not appreciate it.
Bussie Kissies
Hope yoy guys are okay--it's been awhile since your last posties!!!
Hey - where are you guys? It's not easy being the only brown blogging Boston - I need back up!
I am a big fan of Canidae (for my two Bostons). Right now we are eating a mixture of the Three Dog Bakery entrees (couple of tablespoons) and Innova Evo (3/4 c.). It's been a perfect mix for them and their coats have never looked better.
My dog eats Canidae dry. Whole Dog Journal has recommended Canidae for years, and that reassures me as to its quality. Royal Canin's shepherd blend caused my last dog to have loose stools. Everything got better once we switched him to Canidae dry.
I haven't tried the Canidae canned food. I don't like messing with canned food. I hate those icky, half cans in the fridge.
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