BELLYSHOTZ! (but not the ones with vodka)
Mom wasn't feeling all that spiffy today, so she's working from home. At least she had the time to help us find some belly shots. Our blogger friend Ike tagged us both for a bellyshot! We haven't been in a bellyshot since we were both babies, but I definitely was the first one since I am older than Niko. I don't know what those little puffy sacs by my butt are either cuz I don't have them anymore, and when I asked my mom she said it was just another weird thing the camera does like when it makes out eyes red or green. Huh. So here's our shots.

wooot! I used to love me some butt scratching! we finally threw that bed out after the millionth puke or pee that happened, but it saw some good times.

I'm showing off my dotted paws here, gimme 8!
I've got some belly shots too! Look! I have bellyshots now too, they're just not filmed yet. i was littler in these and slept more, i had dirt in my bellybutton spot too sometimes. HAHAHAHA!

In this picture I really just spilled out of my bed, sometimes i like cushion for my bottom and cold tile for my ears, what can i say, right? I am crazy!

We're going to tag Bismarck wonder if anyone else has...
omdog, those puffy things on your butt look scary. you guys are so cute, I sure am glad I got to play with you. Maybe next time Niko will be a little bit more receptive to my advances?
Bentley, I love the "gimme 8" photo! and Niko, I agree, a comfy butt & head on the floor is a most excellent way to sleep.
Oscar x
You are both so cute in those pictures.
Oh my gosh, I am in love. It's settled. A Boston Terrier shall be my next dog!
Great shots! Way better than my gross pic.
Those are the cutest pictures!
Mommy is squealing at your belly pics! She wishes she can blow rasberries on your bellies. Mommy always blows on my belly, I try not to laugh, but it tickles!
Frenchie Kisses,
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